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Planning Board Public Hearing - Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Doctor' Office/Apartment
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the PLANNING BOARD of the TOWN OF CORTLANDT will conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to Article XVI (Amendments) of the Town of Cortlandt Zoning Ordinance for a recommendation to the Town Board in response to a Petition for a Zoning Code Amendment submitted by Mark and Elizabeth Hittman to add a new Subsection “(5)” to Section 307-60(B) of the Town of Cortlandt Zoning Ordinance to provide for an existing apartment to remain in a medical office building within 1,000 feet of the Hudson Valley Hospital Center with frontage on Crompond Road as follows;
Add a new Subsection “(5)” to Section 307-60(B) of the Zoning Code, reading as follows:
(5) Properties otherwise qualifying for the issuance of a Special Permit pursuant to Section 307-60(B)(1)(b), on which there existed a building containing one or more dwelling units on January 1, 2008, may retain one of said dwelling units following the issuance of a Special Permit hereunder provided:
(a) The minimum size of the dwelling unit shall be 400 square feet;
(b) Unless in the opinion of the Planning Board a greater or lesser amount of floor area is warranted by the specific circumstances of the particular building, the maximum size of the dwelling unit shall not exceed:
(i) for a one-story building, 35% of the habitable floor space of the building or 600 sq. ft., whichever is less; or
(ii) for a building of two or more stories, 45% of the habitable floor space of the building or 1,200 sq. ft. whichever is less;
(c) The lot is owned by the medical/dental or health care practitioner maintaining his/her medical/dental or health care practice within the building containing the dwelling unit;
(d) Off-street parking shall be provided in conformance with the requirements of Article VIII; and
(e) The dwelling unit shall meet the provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code for habitable space.
Said Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 8:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Vincent F. Nyberg General Meeting Room at Cortlandt Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York, to receive public comments and input, with respect to the subject proposed Zoning Amendments.
Anyone interested in addressing comments on the above to the Planning Board may do so by appearing in person at the above time and place or by submitting their written comments to the Cortlandt Planning Office by Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 2:00 P.M.
PB 17-07
DECEMBER 20, 2007