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Organ Donation Information

Release Date: February 21, 2018
Please click here for more information.

A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

re:  Organ Donation

Last week on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, I attended a Press Conference coordinated by Assemblywoman Sandy Galef.  The topic was organ donations and saving lives.

Present were people from our community who had received organ transplants from donors or had family members whose lives had been saved/prolonged by organ donors.

There was a state official present who gave statistics about individuals awaiting transplants.  There are 10,000 people in New York State alone we were told.

Sometimes organ donors can be living donors; for example, a kidney or part of a liver.

As I stated it’s a very personal decision, but if you want to be a donor (any age).  I am attaching information on how to become a donor.  Thank you.

Linda Puglisi