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Appointment of a new Town of Cortlandt Town Justice: Ms. Livia Rodriguez

Release Date: January 24, 2025

Supervisor Dr. Richard Becker and members of the Town Board are excited to announce the upcoming appointment of a new Town Justice.  The vacancy in the Justice Court was created by the election of Town Justice Maritza Fugaro-Norton to the position of Westchester Family Court Judge.  The vacancy was advertised on the Town Website and Social Media channels.  Six (6) candidates were interviewed by the Supervisor and members of the Town Board.  "We met an excellent group of individuals during this process and we thank them for their interest in serving our community and government."  stated Supervisor Dr. Richard H. Becker

The Supervisor and Town Board will appoint Ms. Livia Rodriguez at a special meeting scheduled to be held on Monday, February 3, 2025.  Ms. Rodriguez has been a resident of the Town of Cortlandt since 2001.  She has been a Senior Assistant District Attorney at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office since 2002 and has retired from this position effective January 28, 2025.  Ms. Rodriguez is a graduate of State University of New York – College at New Paltz with a Bachelor of Arts and also a graduate of the Elizabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University.  Ms. Rodriguez has been involved with a number of civic organizations including the Girls Scouts of America and a member of Church of Holy Spirit Catholic Church.  Ms. Rodriguez resides in the Town with her husband and daughter.  Her daughter is a graduate of Walter Panas High School and is currently applying to law school as well.

"We welcome Ms. Rodriguez to our Justice Court.  We are confident that her experience and diverse background will continue the work that was begun by Town Justice Fugaro-Norton," stated Supervisor Dr. Richard H. Becker.

“I would like to thank Supervisor Becker and Members of the Town Board for placing their faith in me and naming me the next Town of Cortlandt Town Court Justice.  I am honored and humbled by the upcoming appointment and I look forward to representing the Town residents in this important position.” Livia Rodriguez.

Richard H. Becker, MD
Town Supervisor