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Balloon Test Notice: Valeria Water Treatment Plant

Release Date: March 05, 2025

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Homeland Towers, LLC (“Homeland Towers”) will perform a balloon test at the Town owned property at 343 Furnace Dock Road also known as the Valeria Water Treatment Plant, Assessor’s Parcel Number 45.17-1-1.2, Town of Cortlandt, NY (the “Site”), in connection with its proposal to the Town for approval to locate a wireless communications facility (the “Facility”) at the Site.  The Facility is necessary to remedy a significant gap in reliable personal wireless services in accordance with the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. 

The Facility is proposed to include a 130 foot monopole with antennas thereon, together with related equipment located within a secure fenced area at the base thereof.

The balloon test will be conducted on March 15, 2025. The balloon shall be flown from approximately 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. weather permitting.   

The purpose of the balloon test is to establish the approximate location and height of the Facility so that computer generated visual renderings can be prepared from various viewpoints.  The balloon test will consist of an approximately three foot diameter brightly colored balloon being floated on a tether line to a maximum height of 130 feet above ground level.  Please contact the Applicants’ attorney, Robert D. Gaudioso, at 914-333-0700 if you should have any questions in advance of the balloon test.