Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)

The Draft LWRP was submitted to the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS) on June 3, 2022. The document is still currently under review by the NYSDOS.
If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Planning, Chris Kehoe, at chrisk@townofcortlandt.com.

An Effort to Enhance Our Waterfront
This webpage is dedicated to providing information about the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) planning effort being conducted jointly by the Town of Cortlandt and the Village of Buchanan. The purpose of this effort is to identify ways we can revitalize and enhance the waterfront of our two communities with economic growth and new recreational opportunities while protecting the environment. Please check back here periodically for updates, announcements, and draft materials for review.
On-Site Public Meeting
Thursday May 5th 7pm - 8:30pm
Nyberg Meeting Room - Cortlandt Town Hall
1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York 10567
The Town of Cortlandt and Village of Buchanan are hosting a public meeting to discuss the Joint Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A presentation of the draft program will be followed by an open house format meeting. Participants can review and provide feedback on project maps and proposed future waterfront revitalization projects. The public is invited and encouraged to provide community input to this Draft Local Waterfront Revitalization Program at this on-site (not Zoom) meeting. If you are not able to attend in person, project information will be available on this webpage after the meeting for review, and a link to the current draft LWRP is provided below.
Comments on the draft can be submitted using the Comment Form accessible via the link below.
To view a copy of the draft LWRP currently in progress, or the Appendix, please use the links below.
background information
Boundary Map of the LWRP Project Area
Future Landuse Concepts Map #1 (Annsville)
Future Landuse Concepts Map #2 (Buchanan/ Verplanck)
Future Landuse Concepts Map #3 (Montrose/ Crugers)
Sample LWRP
Example LWRP from the City of Peekskill
Project Start: December 2019
Advisory Committee Formed: January 2020
LWRP Comittee Meetings (In-Person and Virtual): Between February 2020- Current
Online Survey: Completed December 2020
Public Outreach Workshops: Spring 2021
Draft LWRP Presentation: Spring 2022
Final LWRP: Fall 2022
(Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ)
What is an LWRP?
New York State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is an official plan for future land and water use prepared by local communities in partnership with the Department of State. Similar to a comprehensive plan, it outlines a vision for the future growth and management of a community, with a specific focus on the waterfront lands.
Once an LWRP is officially adopted by local government, it becomes a standard by which future land and water use decisions—such as zoning changes or development proposals—should comply with. Communities which have an approved LWRP are eligible to apply for grant funding to work toward their waterfront vision. For more information, see the Department of State LWRP guidance page: www.dos.ny.gov/opd/programs/lwrp.html#leg
What is the goal of this community effort? The goal is to develop an official plan for the long-term use of the waterfront which will strive to do the following: help maintain and protect water quality; protect the natural environment; enhance public access to the river; provide new recreational opportunities; restore and revitalize formerly industrial land on the water; and stimulate economic development in both the town and village.
Where is funding for this effort coming from?
The town and village have received a grant to support this work from the New York State Department of State through the Environmental Protection Fund. The town and village staff are providing additional support through the provision of in-kind professional services.
Who is working on this effort?
A local Advisory Committee has been established with representatives from both the town and the village to work with local municipal officials and a consulting team to develop the LWRP. The Town of Cortlandt has agreed to take the lead in managing the development of the LWRP and coordinate the effort. The consulting team collaborating with the town and village staff to develop the plan is composed of the following firms:
Behan Planning and Design
BFJ Planning
CSA Group NY Architects and Engineer
Hudson river discovery center feasibility study
Comments, suggestions? Click here for the online comment form.